
Our Mission
To provide professional advice and photographic proof that your pool complies with the relevant state statutory requirements.

The Swimming Pools Act 1992 and its regulations work together with Australian Standard 1926 (AS1926) to establish the safety standards for ‘backyard’ swimming pools. These documents have been updated a number of times and, as a result, apply differently at different points in time.
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Australian Standards
The Australian Standard (AS1926) is a document protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced here. Your local council should have a copy of the Standard available for viewing. The relevant versions of the Australian Standard are dated 1986, 2007 and 2012.
The requirements for child-resistant barriers vary depending on when the pool was built and where the pool is located.
There are 3 different Pool Safety Standards that apply in SA, depending on when the pool was constructed:
SA Ministers Specification 76D, fences and gates for private swimming pools which applies to pools constructed prior to 30 August 2008
AS 1926.1 - 2007, swimming pool safety, Part 1 safety barriers for swimming pools which applies to pools constructed between 1 September 2008 to 30 April 2013
AS1926.1 - 2012, swimming pool safety, Part 1 safety barriers for swimming pools constructed after 1 May 2013